Cat Addiction

Stories about my cats, friends' cats, other people's cats, stray cats, anything about cats!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Weird tastebuds

Meals for my furballs are usually cat biscuits with a spoonful of canned wet food. Twice a day, they feast on these with some changes to the flavour of their canned food. I switch between kitten biscuits and adult biscuits too. On some days when I have the time, the lucky furballs are served steamed chicken fillets. I used to make them salmon too but for some reason they enjoy the chicken better.

Each of them has their own favourite kind of food. I discovered them not by feeding them different food but merely by them coming around and smelling my finger to see what I've been eating.

The youngest loves durian, believe it or not. The other two would scramble away at the smell of it. This one however, lingers and finishes a whole seed of durian. I've also got a cheese lover who eats everybody's share of cheese if served on their dish bowls. And for once, I think the rest are quite happy for someone take food off their dishes. And then there's the curry lover who would hold out her paws to hold on to my finger so that she could lick the curry sauce off my finger.

I don't encourage much of these savoury foods for them anyway. They are already dropping enough fur so the savouries shall be kept to a minimum. Speaking of fur, I also hand out treats to help with their furball problem. Then there's the supplement for good skin and hair control but they would never eat it. I stick it between their food and they just avoid that blob and eat everything else. Crushing it and sprinkling into their food is an option but I would hate for them to have food they don't enjoy (I think that supplement may have some bitter after-taste as with all pills).

So much for a healthy diet.


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