Phoebe is 3 today
It's little Phoebe's birthday today and she's turning a tender age of 3. I wished her Happy Birthday this morning but she had no idea what the fuss was about. I scooped her extra chunks of wet food, double the amount that Prue and Piper got, as a treat for her birthday.
Prue and Piper, sensing that Phoebe had extras, tried to 'steal' some of her food. I had to stand as 'guard' to make sure Phoebe got her birthday treat instead of getting bullied. I was running late for work but it had to be done and it was well worth it to watch her chomp her goodies. :)
Prue and Piper, sensing that Phoebe had extras, tried to 'steal' some of her food. I had to stand as 'guard' to make sure Phoebe got her birthday treat instead of getting bullied. I was running late for work but it had to be done and it was well worth it to watch her chomp her goodies. :)