Cat Addiction

Stories about my cats, friends' cats, other people's cats, stray cats, anything about cats!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Mysty Cat & Dog Calendar 2006

Discovered another news article on an animal lover project called Mysty Cat & Mysty Dog Calendars 2006. This is another animal welfare effort to raise funds to save abandoned animals.

Gosh, suddenly it sounds like we have lots of abandoned cats and dogs in Malaysia!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Friends of Felix update

Great news, the Friends of Felix program as posted previously has seen 14 of the 24 abandoned kitties being adopted so far. Some kind and generous souls also donated to help upkeep the program. God bless you all.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Big hazard to cats

Self-explanatory story...

Just checking it out. Can't harm, can it?

Let's explore deeper into this thing


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Instantly Involved

Instantly Involved is an exhibition that aims to raise funds for SPCA. The exhibition showcases black & white photography by Debra Tan on pets and their owners. The exhibition starts on 26 Nov to 9 Dec 2005.

Some of the works by Debra Tan.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Heart warming pictures

Got these from forwarded mails and would like to share with the catlovers/catbloggers out there.

"This is my best friend"

Love story between cat and mouse?

"Is this my mommy?"

"And who is this??!"

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Fur mites & excessive grooming

We made it to the vet and Piper was definitely not very happy with the visit. The vet ran a blood test and watched a sample of her fur under a microscope. He did a check on those patches and explained that those are her own doings in the course of cleaning herself. As it turns out, she's suffering from some sensitivity from fur mites plus the effects of excessive grooming.

She got a dose of Frontline spray all over and in another 2 to 3 weeks I've gotta do it on her again. So do Prue and Phoebe; I suspect they would have them too but not suffering as badly as Piper.

Thank God there are no major complications. Phew!!!

Thanks too for you caring cats and moms out there, Piper sends her purrs.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Friends of Felix

This piece of news have been printed in several papers for a week now. Over 30 kitties are abandoned to live in debris with no one to care for and feed them. Hope the SPCA is garnering enough support from feline lovers out there to adopt them in the Friends of Felix project. The program starts on Nov 12 at SPCA.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Piper needs another vet opinion

Piper's been losing fur on both sides of her hind legs, tail and even around her tummy area. It's been more than 6 months and having seen 2 different vets, they seem to agree it's a hormonal problem.

She's obsessed with grooming herself and lately there're red patches on those areas which could be self injury or insect bites.

I'm planning to bring her to another vet for a 3rd opinion. If anyone else has seen something like this, please share your experience or rather your kittie's experience.
